Fangirl Happy Hour Transcript: The End of an Era

Episode Number: N/A
Episode Title: The End of an Era (listen to this episode)
Transcript by: Renay
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Renay: Hey friends! I’m Renay, and you’re listening to Fangirl Happy Hour!

Hey, y’all! It’s been a hot minute! First off, since I know long time listeners are looking suspiciously at the title of this pod: it’s fine. All good things end. Sometimes they end well. Sometimes they end like the final episode of the Black Tapes podcast. Luckily, neither of those types of endings are happening today.

Fangirl Happy Hour ran a long time. I could absolutely wind things down and feel at peace. It was a good pod and Ana and I had a blast making it. But in 2023, I struggled a lot with how to move forward without Ana, whose presence I still miss. I realized I couldn’t continue under the exact same circumstances. And even if Ana has the capacity to return one day, which I hope she does, it feels like the pod as it was was something for a different, pre-pandemic time. In the time since our first episode, Ana and I changed a lot, both as people and as readers. If very expensive talk therapy has taught me anything, it’s that it’s okay to change your approach to things you love if the old approach isn’t working anymore.

Thanks to everyone for listening to Fangirl Happy Hour and supporting the pod. What a journey! We had so many vocalized pauses, incredible amounts of salty opinions about the Hugo Awards, and tons of book recs. I know for a fact that we damaged many TBRs during the life of this podcast and I’m not sorry about it. But the best parts of the pod were all the great conversations with all of y’all. I loved it, and I know Ana did too.

As we look toward Volume II, I have no clue what the vibe will be. We’ll have some new music, new guest hosts, a new format, but the exact same incredibly loud opinions about genre awards because some things never change. 

Stay tuned for Fangirl Happy Hour Volume II Episode 1, coming soon to this exact same feed.  Nothing will change on your end except episode numbers. While you wait, feel free to check out the Finder series by Suzanne Palmer or The Last Watch by J.S. Dewes. These are two series that I would have been pressing on everyone because I love them so much. But don’t worry! You haven’t heard the last from me on those particular topics. 

Thanks so much for listening, space bees. See y’all again real soon.