Support the Show

Thanks for listening to Fangirl Happy Hour! We love chatting with each other about pop culture, media, and fandom. We’re incredibly excited to get to do it with our community; our listeners make us more thoughtful, informed people and we appreciate them a lot.

If you like our show and would like to help us keep making it, please consider supporting us through our Patreon. You can also help the producer pay for and support the show directly.

No funds? No problem!
One of the hardest things to do in today’s media environment is break through the noise. So sharing our episode announcements when they drop, reviewing our show on iTunes, mentioning us on social media when you like a segment, or reccing us to friends may not feel like a monetary contribution, but it absolutely is given how noisy the news can be. It’s extra special to us because you’re also sharing us in your spaces with your time which we appreciate so much. Thank you.